
Tohoku Volunteer

Jetzt kann ich nicht schlafen.
 I mean, I cant sleep now.
These days I have spend busy days. I have not slept enough but for now on I just cannot sleep. I feel like doing other than laying on my bed, so I decided to update this Homework-Blog. lol.

What I think the aim of updating blog is to express something to someone in public. That means I should not write about my daily life which must be boring for someone who do knot know me. Thus I am going to write about my experience in Tohoku volunteer.

I went to Rikuzen-Takata (陸前高田) for volunteering from 5th to 8th May.
Rikuzen-Takata was one of the most disastrous place where suffered from the huge earthquake and tsunami. There was kind of a port town, and therefore frightful tsunami attacked. You should have seen the terrible scene on TV. I went there almost 2 months after the disaster, but you can still see traces of the damage caused by those horrible incident.

I can show you the pictures from my mobile phone.

Can you believe those pictures?
Can you imagine those pictures were taken in the same country?

I was totally shocked when I first saw the scene. Yet I still cannot believe that a city where about 23000 of residents used to live was utterly destroyed by a day.

What we did there was removing debris from several place. It was heavy labor that I had severe muscular pain.

Some people or news say that there are too many volunteers and are not needed, but that information is incorrect. Some places are indeed full of volunteers, but some other places like Rikuzen-Takata still need many help. I am surely convinced that I did right thing.

I was even encouraged by people live in there. They are all open-heated, and trying to their best for the town to reconstruct. I saw real indomitable will of people.

If I have enough time, I would like to go there for volunteering again.
Whoever would like to know more about my volunteer experience, ask me with no hesitation. If you are considering a little for volunteering, I recommend you to go.

In the beginning I was going to write about my circle EAGLE, but I think this topic is far more meaningful. I think I have to sleep now. I should not sleep during the lectures. :P

Good night, and sweet dream to me. lol