
a composition lacking in unity.

I would like to introduce my lovely bunny!
His name is Chappy which my father named. At first I did not really like the name but now I do love it! I call him "Cha-San"!

When he came to our house I was not there because I was in Canada studying abroad. My young sister said that he came our house instead of me!

Because he was so small and quiet, and he used to be touched by us, we thought that he was female. But quite recently we have found that he is MALE! That was surprising.

Now you can see how cute he was! This picture was taken when he just came our place!
Everyone who saw the picture says "Oh My God he is sooo sooooo cute! The cutest in the world!!!" Yes that is what I exactly thought. lol

I think this article is so trivial.....But I could not write about deep and considerable thing.

What can I write....??
Oh last week I bought the single-lens reflex camera! It cost about \55000! I have been wanted the camera because I will go to Canada the end of this July. I will see my host family or friends there! I cannot wait.

Newfoundland, where I was studying English for 10 months is exceedingly countryside. It is said that there was the place modeled "Alice's Wonderland". Can you imagine those places? Forests, trails, the ocean, many wild animals... You can even see whales, bears there!

There are a specific animal which is called Moose in Newfoundland.
A moose is a large brown animal like a deer that has very large flat antlers (horns that grow like branches) and lives in North America, northern Europe, and parts of Asia. The last picture moose is in the middle. Can you see?
If you cannot, I bet you can find how worth to take great pictures there. You can understand why I so wanted the great quality of camera badly.

I do not know what to write to finish this last blog, but if there is anyone who read those articles written by junior-high school student (lol), I appreciate you!

Jetzt habe ich keine Zeit

These days I have been spending so busy time. Since last year I learned that Language faculty's exams are quite earlier than official "exam week."

I have 9 exams and 5 essays this semester. 7 out of 9 are from German Department. I really have to start concentrating study German but the reason the exams are located on earlier I also have to go for my part-time jobs. Recently I started double-working. One is Lunch box-seller in Tokyo station and the other one is in Cafe in Kojimachi. I sell "Ekiben" in Tokyo station. That job is actually not fun. Quite boring, though I cannot quit because of easiness of the job. The other job in Cafe is interesting! I can talk to the customers and even sometimes can drink with them. (Not like KYABAKURA though LOL) But there days which I have to prepare for those final exams. I am in trouble. I need more time to both working and studying!!!!

Ok, let me change the topic because the former topic will last forever and it is boring to read. Actually I cannot write anything interesting right now because.....I cannot explain! haha

Then let me write about how I hate summer. I totally prefer to spend time in winter than summer!! Of course the best season is autumn, but if I have to choose whether winter or Summer, I definitely chose former one. I have several reasons for this. First, I hate sweating. In summer time almost everyone sweat including me. And I do hate the smell of that. I guess there are not many who likes to smell people sweating lol. Next, in Summer time we cannot really care about fashion. I like to layer my clothing, but how can I do that in summer? In winter time if you feel cold you can wear as many as you want, but if you feel too hot in Summer time you cannot take off everything in front of the other people.

See? I bet now you feel like liking winter more than summer....!!!!


Tohoku Volunteer

Jetzt kann ich nicht schlafen.
 I mean, I cant sleep now.
These days I have spend busy days. I have not slept enough but for now on I just cannot sleep. I feel like doing other than laying on my bed, so I decided to update this Homework-Blog. lol.

What I think the aim of updating blog is to express something to someone in public. That means I should not write about my daily life which must be boring for someone who do knot know me. Thus I am going to write about my experience in Tohoku volunteer.

I went to Rikuzen-Takata (陸前高田) for volunteering from 5th to 8th May.
Rikuzen-Takata was one of the most disastrous place where suffered from the huge earthquake and tsunami. There was kind of a port town, and therefore frightful tsunami attacked. You should have seen the terrible scene on TV. I went there almost 2 months after the disaster, but you can still see traces of the damage caused by those horrible incident.

I can show you the pictures from my mobile phone.

Can you believe those pictures?
Can you imagine those pictures were taken in the same country?

I was totally shocked when I first saw the scene. Yet I still cannot believe that a city where about 23000 of residents used to live was utterly destroyed by a day.

What we did there was removing debris from several place. It was heavy labor that I had severe muscular pain.

Some people or news say that there are too many volunteers and are not needed, but that information is incorrect. Some places are indeed full of volunteers, but some other places like Rikuzen-Takata still need many help. I am surely convinced that I did right thing.

I was even encouraged by people live in there. They are all open-heated, and trying to their best for the town to reconstruct. I saw real indomitable will of people.

If I have enough time, I would like to go there for volunteering again.
Whoever would like to know more about my volunteer experience, ask me with no hesitation. If you are considering a little for volunteering, I recommend you to go.

In the beginning I was going to write about my circle EAGLE, but I think this topic is far more meaningful. I think I have to sleep now. I should not sleep during the lectures. :P

Good night, and sweet dream to me. lol


Should we?

I do not know if I should upload a new article or not. For me, this 500 words task  every week is not easy.

Last week I mostly worked. Five days out of a week, isn't that hard? It was. Though it is hard I have to earn money for studying in Germany.

I seriously do knot have any idea what else to write then. It is going to be just my personal diary. haha

On Saturday I went to Hibiya for “Oktoberfest” with my friend who is also in German Department. Do you know Oktoberfest? “Oktoberfest” is literally a festival usually be held in October in Germany. The letter “C” is written in “K” because that is German. The festival was totally wicked! We could drink genuine German-Beer there: we drunk Franziskaner Weisbier, Spaten Optimator. What else you could drink were, Spaten Munchner Hell, Flensburger Pilsener, Weizen, Dunkel, and so on. I don't think quite a few of you know those German beer, but I would like to say that those beers are completely better than Japanese beer! I don't like beer but I could find German beer is savory. It was expensive (1500yen per beer mug!), but a mug was enough for both of us. I cannot wait for going to Germany!!

Then I would like to talk about last exciting night. I went to my friends house and watched UEFA Champions League. It started on 3:30 am and lasted till 6 am. Manchester United against FC Barcelona. The game was so exciting. I was amazed how they played especially for Barcelona. I could even thought that the ball was alive. The second half of ball possession of Barcelona was absolutely longer than that of Manchester United. I could make sure that Spanish national team at the moment is the strongest team as we could know from the World Cup 2010, and also FIFA's MVP of 2009,2010 Lionel Messi is legendary great player. I wonder which team could beat the team which Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Villa and other famous players play altogether. After the awesome game finished in the early morning I slept for less then 3 hours, then I went to Tokyo station for a part-time job. What a hard day. I almost fall asleep with standing!

Lately I cannot go to bed earlier because I often work until 11pm, and I have enormous amount of homework. Learning Language is constantly laborious task. I have several midterm examinations for German. I did not really prepare for those exams which means I have little time to sleep this week. I think this is what the many other uni students do. Cutting out of time for sleep.

It is almost 3 am right now, and I have to write a report about nuclear energy.
Wish me luck. Good night.


Self Introduction

My name is Manami Nagare.
I am in German department in Language faculty. Sophomore. The reasons why I chose German studies are; first, I wanted to be trilingual. Second, when I was in Canada as an exchange student, I become best friends with a Germany girl who taught me a little German. Thus I would like to have a conversation with her in German.

Though I live in Ichigaya now, I am from Togo, Aichi. People always ask me “oh, are you from Nagoya?” I am afraid I am not from NAGOYA though there is next to our town. My high school was St. Capitanio girls high school. Quite a few people say that the name of my school is interesting I guess because not many of them heard of these saint's names. I think girls school is awesome because I do not have to care about around. Only thing we did was enjoy everyday life without considering about our future. This is the most different point from now. I sometimes wish I could go back to those days.

I belong to Sophia EAGLEs FC, and Volleyball AIKOKAI. My university life is mostly occupied by those circles. As you can reckon I love playing volleyball, and watching sports. I used to prefer to watch baseball games especially for Chunichi Dragons, but recently I watch soccer games more frequently owing to where I belong to. However I do not have favorite soccer club yet, I am highly interested in Bundesliga, German soccer league. My favorite soccer players are Atsuto Uchida playing in Schalke, Makoto Hasebe in Wolfburg,, Tomoaki Makino in Köln.

My hobbies other than playing and watching sports are; Listening to music, reading, watching movie, and finding good Cafes. Quite usual.
Mostly I listen to foreign songs. I also like to listen Japanese music, but I value above lyrics. I like to listen Jack's Mannequin, Maroon5, LMFAO, David Guetta, Young Money, and RADWIMPS. The lyrics of RAD are great. I respect Yojiro Noda. Their song on my recommendation is “Aoi Haru”. Check it out!
I like to read mystery, especially Keigo Higashino. For me, his recent masterpiece is “Hakugin Jack”. I like to read happy-ended stories.
For now on I want to watch “Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides”. Recent firm I liked was “Social Network”.
I love finding good cafes. Kichijoji is the best place to find cute and famous Cafes. Most recently I visited HATTIFNATT. The wall is all over painted colorfully. I was pleased!

I work at Tokyo Station selling EKIBEN. (lol) It is sometimes boring, however the advantage of working there is easiness.
And I started working as Cafe servant in Kojimachi. It is new-opened cafe, and we have to use coffee siphon. Although I spend super busy days because of double-work, I am enjoy working.

I will study abroad in Germany for half a year from next year. I did not apply but I might be going to Bonn University. Studying German is hard task but I seriously would like to be German-speaker.

I do not know what else to write.
Anyway, nice to see you in Advanced English class.