
a composition lacking in unity.

I would like to introduce my lovely bunny!
His name is Chappy which my father named. At first I did not really like the name but now I do love it! I call him "Cha-San"!

When he came to our house I was not there because I was in Canada studying abroad. My young sister said that he came our house instead of me!

Because he was so small and quiet, and he used to be touched by us, we thought that he was female. But quite recently we have found that he is MALE! That was surprising.

Now you can see how cute he was! This picture was taken when he just came our place!
Everyone who saw the picture says "Oh My God he is sooo sooooo cute! The cutest in the world!!!" Yes that is what I exactly thought. lol

I think this article is so trivial.....But I could not write about deep and considerable thing.

What can I write....??
Oh last week I bought the single-lens reflex camera! It cost about \55000! I have been wanted the camera because I will go to Canada the end of this July. I will see my host family or friends there! I cannot wait.

Newfoundland, where I was studying English for 10 months is exceedingly countryside. It is said that there was the place modeled "Alice's Wonderland". Can you imagine those places? Forests, trails, the ocean, many wild animals... You can even see whales, bears there!

There are a specific animal which is called Moose in Newfoundland.
A moose is a large brown animal like a deer that has very large flat antlers (horns that grow like branches) and lives in North America, northern Europe, and parts of Asia. The last picture moose is in the middle. Can you see?
If you cannot, I bet you can find how worth to take great pictures there. You can understand why I so wanted the great quality of camera badly.

I do not know what to write to finish this last blog, but if there is anyone who read those articles written by junior-high school student (lol), I appreciate you!

Jetzt habe ich keine Zeit

These days I have been spending so busy time. Since last year I learned that Language faculty's exams are quite earlier than official "exam week."

I have 9 exams and 5 essays this semester. 7 out of 9 are from German Department. I really have to start concentrating study German but the reason the exams are located on earlier I also have to go for my part-time jobs. Recently I started double-working. One is Lunch box-seller in Tokyo station and the other one is in Cafe in Kojimachi. I sell "Ekiben" in Tokyo station. That job is actually not fun. Quite boring, though I cannot quit because of easiness of the job. The other job in Cafe is interesting! I can talk to the customers and even sometimes can drink with them. (Not like KYABAKURA though LOL) But there days which I have to prepare for those final exams. I am in trouble. I need more time to both working and studying!!!!

Ok, let me change the topic because the former topic will last forever and it is boring to read. Actually I cannot write anything interesting right now because.....I cannot explain! haha

Then let me write about how I hate summer. I totally prefer to spend time in winter than summer!! Of course the best season is autumn, but if I have to choose whether winter or Summer, I definitely chose former one. I have several reasons for this. First, I hate sweating. In summer time almost everyone sweat including me. And I do hate the smell of that. I guess there are not many who likes to smell people sweating lol. Next, in Summer time we cannot really care about fashion. I like to layer my clothing, but how can I do that in summer? In winter time if you feel cold you can wear as many as you want, but if you feel too hot in Summer time you cannot take off everything in front of the other people.

See? I bet now you feel like liking winter more than summer....!!!!